技術文件 - An Overview of Accessing DLLs or Shared Libraries from LabVIEW

Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) provide a way for programs to access external code. The Windows concept of a DLL is also found on Macintosh and UNIX systems, but is usually called a shared library or shared object file.
DLLs are sections of code that are linked to the main program at run time (dynamically linked). This has several advantages. The first is space. If many applications share a certain algorithm, you can compile it once as a DLL, and then use the same code in all the applications. DLLs also provide a way for code to be distributed in a fashion that easily allows higher level programs to access the code. A good example of this are hardware drivers, in which the interface between the application software and the hardware is often through a DLL.
LabVIEW can access functions contained in DLLs via the Call Library Function Node.

Table of Contents
  • Gathering the necessary information
  • Configuring the Call Library Function Node
  • Declaring a function call to a library function threadsafe (reentrant)