技術文件 - CVT Client Communication (CCC) Reference Library

In distributed applications using the current value table (CVT) there is a fundamental need to pass CVT data between hosts. This document describes one method of communication between CVT instances using a TCP/IP client/server protocol.
As an example, this document uses a machine control system consisting of a machine controller and an HMI. It assumes the reader is generally familiar with the machine control reference architecture. Throughout this document the term client refers to the device that serves as the HMI and the term server refers to the device that contains the logic and I/O for handling the machine control.
This attached file contains an installer for the CVT Client Communication (CCC) reference library, which provides a LabVIEW application programming interface for communication between CVT instances in a distributed system.

Table of Contents

  • Purpose
  • Implementation
  • API
  • Example
  • Additional Requirements
  • Where to Go From Here
  • Feedback
